The Incentivized Testnet

Currently, staking and delegation are only available on the Incentivized Testnet. If you held ADA in a Daedalus or Yoroi wallet on November 29, 2019, you can restore your balance in a testnet wallet. This will allow you to earn real ADA rewards!

Stake Pools

Once you’ve restored your balance in an ITN wallet, you can delegate to any of the growing number of stake pools (but of course you’ll choose CLEAR). The wallet provides basic metrics on each pool such as:

  • Pool name & ticker

  • Fees

  • Performance

  • Live Stake

For better metrics on each pool, visit the Cardano PoolTool.

Beware oversaturated pools! Once a pool becomes saturated (when its live stake becomes too large) its rewards are diminished. This is a way to ensure decentralization by incentivizing even distribution of stake. However, it means that you can earn fewer rewards if you delegate to an oversaturated pool. As the number of delegators grows, the level of saturation changes. To ensure maximum rewards, keep CLEAR of pools with more than 90 million ADA.